EXEC SQL CONNECT { :user IDENTIFIED BY :oldpswd | :usr_psw } [{ AT [dbname | :host_variable }] USING :connect_string ] [ {ALTER AUTHORIZATION :newpswd | IN { SYSDBA | SYSOPER } MODE } ]; |
Sample Code
char *username = "SCOTT" ; char *password = "TIGER" ; ... EXEC SQL WHENEVER SQLERROR ... EXEC SQL CONNECT :username IDENTIFIED BY :password; |
EXEC SQL {AT :host_variable} CONNECT { :user IDENTIFIED BY :user_passwd} {USING :connect_string}; |
Sample Code
char *username = "SYS" ; char *password = "MANAGER" ; ... EXEC SQL WHENEVER SQLERROR ... EXEC SQL CONNECT :username IDENTIFIED BY :password; |
- APRE doesn't support a syntax with "ALTER AUTHORIZATION".
- APRE doesn't support a syntax with "IN {SYSDBA | SYSOPER} MODE".
- APRE doesn't support a functionality for auto-connection.
Using AT
When you need to connect multiple database connections, use "AT" in your application source.
char usr[20]; char pwd[20]; char conn_name1[20]; char conn_name2[20]; ... sprintf (usr, "SYS" ); sprintf (pwd, "MANAGER" ); sprintf (conn_name1, "db_connection1" ); sprintf (conn_name2, "db_connection2" ); EXEC SQL AT :conn_name1 CONNECT :usr IDENTIFIED BY :pwd; EXEC SQL AT :conn_name2 CONNECT :usr IDENTIFIED BY :pwd; ... EXEC SQL AT :conn_name1 SELECT ...; EXEC SQL AT :conn_name2 PREPARE ...; |
- ALTIBASE HDB doesn't provide context for multi-thread application. Therefore, User has to manage connections for multi-thread application.
Using connect_string
When you need to specifiy a target database, use "USING" in your application source.
char usr[20]; char pwd[20]; char conn_string[200]; ... sprintf (usr, "SYS" ); sprintf (pwd, "MANAGER" ); sprintf (conn_string, "DSN=;PORT_NO=20300;NLS_USE=US7ASCII;CONN_TYPE=1" ); EXEC SQL CONNECT :usr IDENTIFIED BY :pwd USING :conn_string; |
Option |
Meaning |
To specify IP of database server. |
To specify PORT_NO of database server. |
To specify national character set of database server. |
To specify connection-type.
To specify time-limitation of interval for trying to connect to DB-server. |
To specify time-limitation of interval for receiving a packet about result of SQL executed. |
- If you don't specify a connection_string, application try to connect a local-server.
- TIMEOUT and CONNECTION_TIMEOUT is used to check immediately a network-error in your application ASAP.
- You can set a user-environment variable to connect a database.
export ALTIBASE_PORT_NO=20300
AlTIBASE HDB provides functionality to fail-over, we called it as CTF and STF.
CTF is Connection-Time-Failover and STF is Serive-Time-Failover.
CTS is a functionality when application tries to connect a DBMS and gets a error for connection, application automatically tries to connect a other DBMS which user defined.
STF is a functiionality when application tries to execute a SQL and gets a connetion-error (as DBMS or Server was down) for connection, application automatically tries to connect a other DBMS which user defined.
Sample Code
EXEC SQL BEGIN DECLARE SECTION; char usr[20]; char pwd[20]; char connt_opt[200]; EXEC SQL END DECLARE SECTION; sprintf (usr, "SYS" ); sprintf (pwd, "MANAGER" ); sprintf (conn_opt, "DSN=;PORT_NO=20300;CONNTYPE=1;AlternateServers=(,;ConnectionRetryCount=3; ConnectionRetryDelay=5;LoadBalance=on;SessionFailOver=on; "" ); EXEC SQL CONNECT :usr IDENTIFIED BY :pwd USING :conn_opt; ... |