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Page: [Notify : Fetch Timeout] Session Closed by Server. Page: [Warning] Memory allocation failed. Page: altibase_boot.log의 TRY_COUNT, LOCK_COUNT, MISS_COUNT 메시지 의미 Page: altibase_qp.log의 8자리 errorcode 확인방법 Page: Closed Socket by client is Detected Page: ERR-0109D Insufficient memory Page: ERR-311E0 The estimated size of the index key exceeds the maximum limit. Page: ERR-410D2 (266450) Fetch out of sequence. Page: ERR-1105D Unable to begin a new update statement. Page: ERR-4103C (266300) Request of fetching data to an unprepared SQL statement. Page: ERR-4109C Invalid session property Page: ERR-5102E ( 331822) Invalid cursor state. Page: ERR-7101D ( 462877) Protocol header error. Page: ERR-11030 ( 69680) The data file cannot be extended because the requested size is bigger than the maximum size (FID:<0%d>). Page: ERR-11036 The data file is in use. Page: ERR-11049 ( 69705) Too many pages are allocated ( Maximum Number of Pages= 숫자). Page: ERR-11075 The transaction has exceeded the lock timeout specified by the user. Page: ERR-11118 ( 69912) The update log size '?????' is bigger than TRX_UPDATE_MAX_LOGSIZE '?????' Page: ERR-11183 ( 70019) Insufficient page descriptor area in the temp table. Page: ERR-11184 ( 70020) Insufficient free space in work area Page: ERR-21010 Value overflow Page: ERR-21011 : Invalid literal Page: ERR-31283 Unable to create a primary key or a unique key constraint in the local non-prefixed index. Page: ERR-41059 ( 266329) Task pool overflow. Check properties. Page: ERR-71018 ( 462872) Failed to invoke a system function, read() 또는 Failed to invoke the read() system function Page: ERR-71019(errno=104) Failed to invoke a system function, write() Page: ERR-91015 ( 593941) Communication failure Page: Not found data Page: tablespace does not have enough free space 에러