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The simple classification of backup types provided by Altibase is as follows. The classification criteria follow the Administrator Manual.

  • Logical backup
  • Physical backup
    • Online backup
    • Offline backup
  • Incremental backup (supported starting from Altibase 6.3.1)

Logical Backup

Logical backup is to back up database objects and data in the form of a text file that can be checked by a user using the aexport and iLoader utilities.

Backup type


Example of backup result

Logical Backup


aexport is a tool to support data migration between Altibase servers, but can be used for backup purposes.

This creates all the database object creation statements created on the Altibase server as a file named .sql.

It provides three methods to perform according to the purpose

  • All database objects
  • By database user
  • By object

Example of aexport execution result and file contents.




Like aexport, this is a tool to support data migration, but it can be used for backup purposes.

In table units, data is backed up in a text file that can be read by users.


Example of DEPARTMENT sample table iloader execution


Physical Backup

Physical backup is to copy files such as data files and log anchor files that make up the Altibase server and backing them up to a different physical location.

Physical backup classified into online backup and offline backup according to the Altibase server operation status.

Backup type

DescriptionExample of backup result

Physical Backup


Online backup

Performing physical backup while the Altibase server is running.

  • There are two methods:
  • All databases
  • Tablespace-level

Online backup only backs up one stable memory checkpoint image file.

Data files in the disk temporary tablespace are not backed up.


Offline backup

Physical backup while the Altibase server has stopped.

Only full database backup is possible.


Offline backup backs up all data files.




Incremental Backup

Incremental backup is to back up only data pages that have changed since the last incremental backup and the 'page change tracking' must be activated.

The entire database or tablespace-level can be backed up.


Backup typeDescriptionExample of backup result

Incremental Backup

Level 0 incremental backupLevel 0 is incremental backup is similar to physical backup, but is a backup that is used for determining whether data pages have been changed.



Level 1 incremental backup

Differential incremental backup

This backs up pages that have changed since the most recently performed level 0 or level 1 incremental backup.

Cumulative incremental backup

This backs up pages that have changed since the most recently performed level 0.



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